Monday, January 16, 2012

And so it begins...

What is almost worse than packing?  unpacking.  ugh!  Today I was able to get most all my clothes back on hangers and up in my closet.  Since I don't have a dresser anymore I'm going to have to use some of my organizing bins for stuff that doesn't go up on hangers.

AmandaCatherineDes etsy shop print
This afternoon I was able to start stripping the paint off of my vanity.  It was just so nice outside today I was able to do all of that outside.  I hope I can finish stripping it tomorrow and then sand it down to get it ready for paint.  As I am stripping the paint off I'm realizing how beautiful most of the wood is, so I may just put a clear coat on it.  Once I get this piece all done I will post the pictures, and kind of give you the step by step process if you ever need to refinish a piece of furniture you have or buy at an antique store.  It's really not that hard to do, and its very inexpensive to do yourself.

Tonight I plan on trying to relax a little bit, so I'm going to keep enjoying my low key night.

Don't design for everyone.  It's impossible.  All you end up doing is designing something that makes everyone unhappy.  - Leisa Reichelt


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