Sunday, January 15, 2012

Yes, I am home!

Wow what a weekend!  I guess I'll start from the beginning...

Saturday Grant and I were up early waiting for my parents to get here with the SUV and Trailer, and I got a call just before 10:00AM.  Their car was acting funny, and there was some smoke coming out of the vents, so they had to pull over just 20 miles outside of Columbia.  So we rushed over to meet them, and we got a new alternator and battery for my dad's car.  Luckily that was all it needed, and my dad knew how to install it back in and everything.  Once we got in to Columbia it was about lunch time, so we went to Flatbranch for some burgers and choke's n cheese.  yum!

Finally at about one we started packing stuff into my car, Grant's car, and my parent's car and trailer.  Unfortunately not everything fit, so we had to come back again today.  We got back in KC about 7pm, and had dinner around 8pm.  Today it was just my mom, dad, and I and there wasn't really too much left, so we were only there for 4 hours getting the last bit and cleaning as best we could (my roommate is still living there for a little while longer, so I couldn't do a thorough wipe down on everything).  I am so glad to be moved out of there!  Although I am stuck living at home with my dad, it is definitely better than the place I was at.

Tomorrow I'm planning on going through stuff, and getting things put away that need to be and whatnot.  I've got my bed all set up (with my new bed spread yay!) and my tv all set up so that room is starting to come together.  I am so tired and sore I just want to go to bed.  So I think tonight will be an early night for me and I hope I get to sleep in too.  Although it never fails that I wake up at 7:30ish every morning.  O well I'll have to start waking up early for work again soon enough.  That's all for tonight!

To say that something is designed means it has intentions that go beyond its function.  Otherwise it's just planning.  - Ayse Birsel


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