Friday, March 23, 2012

Rain, Rain Go Away

Am I right?  Well at least here in KC it has rained EVERY SINGLE DAY!  But this week has kind of flown by, and it has been a pretty busy one!  Since I am lame, and haven't wrote since Sunday I will just briefly explain what all has been happening recently.  My dad is now in Nevada with my mom and sister while he recovers from his surgery.  So that means I have the whole house to myself.  Monday and Tuesday were a little slower at work, since I had been gone that week before and was trying to figure out what I needed to help out on and what not.  By Wednesday I was being put on 3 different project, so its really nice to be working with the other designers and doing actual design work!  We are also working on this special project as a company that only 17 design firms in the nation are working on so that has been pretty exciting as well!

Also at work I have been taking on more responsibility in walking people around the showroom, that come in to look at our kitchens.  I enjoy it most of the time.  Most people are really nice and want to hear all the information about each of the set ups, but sometimes there are some rude or strange people that come through. I guess you could say I'm making the best of it.

This weekend I am in Nevada (just got here about an hour ago) and everyone is here (my mom, dad, hannah, and lauren)!  My dad is looking really good!  I'm really glad he was able to take off a lot of time from work and be down here with my mom.  He was also able to schedule all of his rehabilitation stuff here at the Nevada Hospital, so he doesn't have to drive to Harrisonville or even Kansas City to be able to do what he needs to do these next 2 months.  Lauren is off of school this next week for Spring Break, so she just got here tonight like I did.  Its been a while since I've seen her (I think it was right before new years if I remember right), so it's nice to be able to catch up on what she's been doing.  I wish we could talk more, but she's busy with school, and I keep pretty busy myself with work and my organizations and the little bit of a social life I have (if you can even call it that lol).

I really wish my best girlfriends lived here in Kansas City.  I miss them all so much!  I know that going out with girl friends is something that has been lacking in my life really since last summer.  I wish I could go and visit them all soon, but I know that I won't be able to do that for a while.  The girls at work keep talking about doing happy hours every once and a while, so hopefully that starts happening.  I don't want to be a lame person who just goes to work and then goes home (at least while I'm still young!).  It's hard when I have no income right now though.  I guess things will change once I have a real job.  Just gotta stay positive and keep my eyes out for any openings.  I don't want to stoup low for something that is outside of my major, but sometimes I find myself thinking about it.  I dunno, good things will happen I'm sure of it.  I really am very lucky for what I have and I try to remember that each and every day.

Well, I am exhausted from work and the hour and a half drive down here to Nevada, sooo I'm going to hit the hay.  Until next time...


1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you are starting to enjoy work a little, at least! That's good. :)

    Go for happy hour with them. It will be a lot of fun. I do that with other teachers sometimes (and they are in their 50s, lol) and it's still a blast! :)

    Can't wait to have many girls nights when I'm in town this summer, though!
