Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Front & Center!

Soooo  I have been a very busy bee lately.  This past weekend as you know was my mom's birthday.  I had also mentioned that we would be back in KC on Sunday because Hannah wanted to go to this concert.  So her friend ended up not being able to go, so who got stuck taking her then; me of course.  At first I was kind of indifferent about it, because I didn't really know the bands playing.  I knew Stephen Malkmus from the band he was in before (Pavement) but other than that I really didn't know how this would be.  And let me tell you, it was AMAZING!!  Now keep in mind I have never been to a concert (I know, I know...  for someone soooo into music this seems crazy, but since I am one of well one that likes the kind of music I do, its hard to motivate yourself to go to a concert alone.  Hopefully Hannah and I, and even Grant and I can go to some more concerts...soon!).  

Hannah and I get ready and head towards Lawrence to get there by 6:45ish.  We grab some dinner, and then head to The Granada.  The opener was The Nurses, and then the headliner was Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks.  So before leaving I heard one song from Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks, and I liked it so I assumed it would be a nice show.  Since we got there so early, we got a spot front and center stage.  Like I was leaning on the stage, right up there, all up in their business.  So awesome!  I loved every single song The Nurses played.  They're really not well known, but I loved them!  (and I bought their vinyl LP at the end of the show! yay!)  They had a kind of more mellow style to them, which I am always attracted to.  Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks are a bit more up beat, and he goes into these amazing guitar solos.  I'll quit talking and let you enjoy some tracks from them...

The Nurses - Technicolor

Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks - Stick Figures In Love

So the next day Hannah found pictures of us at the concert from people with The Granada.  This was so awesome!  I posted most of them below.  Click on the images to follow them to The Granada's Facebook Page and like them.  

This was a really great concert!  I had so much fun, and it was great spending time with my lil sis too!  This is definitely something that we both really enjoy and are passionate about; music.  I hope we get to do this a lot!
Alright, so the rest of this week so far has been pretty good as well.  At work I got put on a project to assist a few designers.  I have been working on pulling inspirational images, laying out the kitchen, and pulling specifications for appliances that will be in the kitchen design.  I enjoyed doing this a lot, and I hope that while I'm there I get to more things like this.  Today was really crazy because not only did I have to work on that project, but I also had to get another couple projects going for someone else and there was a huge event taking place tonight.  KU Med was actually hosting it, but they were using our showroom, so of course I helped get things tidied up and ready for the big event.  Crazy crazy day, but it was a good one at least!  Tomorrow I'm going in early to finish up the drawings to get ready to show them to the client.  I better be getting to bed then.  Have a great Wednesday everyone!

I would show my my jobs to my mother, and she would always say the same thing: “That’s nice dear.” And then she would say, “Did you write it?” or “Did you do the drawing?” or “Did you take the pictures?” I’d always answer “no,” then I realized the problem. My answer was then, “I made this happen. It’s called design.”  - Brian Webb

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